Thanks to the finished work of Jesus on the cross, we have something that the Israelites of old did not have: access to God at all times. Under the old covenant, believers had to hear from prophets, and they had to wait until the Holy Spirit came upon them to experience communion with God. However, one of the last things Jesus told His disciples was that He was going away so that another could come. That "other" is the Holy Spirit, who no longer needs to rest temporarily upon believers but can live within them permanently.
We have access to the Holy Spirit every day, at any time. All we have to do is ask the Holy Spirit to speak to us. Unfortunately, there are millions of believers who don’t realize that we have this privilege. Some have been taught that the work of the Holy Spirit in and through us has ceased, or that His presence is only for certain people. As a result, many Christians have been robbed of this precious gift that God has given them. But praise God, if you’re reading this, you likely believe that the Holy Spirit is still active today!
Yet, many are unsure of how to recognize the Holy Spirit's work in their lives or how to hear when He is speaking. Every morning, before I start my daily devotions or Bible study, I ask the Holy Spirit to open my spiritual eyes to see what He wants to show me, and my ears to hear. Then, I ask for revelation and understanding. I love that the book of James tells us, “If you need wisdom, ask” (James 1:5). It's really that simple when you truly believe without wavering. God desires for us to hear His voice, and if we are willing and open, He will speak to us.
The book of Acts provides various ways that God speaks, and these are excellent examples for us to consider when seeking to hear His voice:
Visions: Acts 9:19; 10:9-16; 22:18
Direction through Intuition: Acts 8:29, 39; 10:19; 20:22
Godly Counsel: Acts 15:29
Prayer: Acts 13:2, 4
Scripture: Acts 28:25-27
Prophecy: Acts 11:28
Indwelling of the Holy Spirit: Acts 1:8; 4:8, 31; 11:24; 13:9
Each of these methods is different, but all serve to provide the guidance we need. However, there’s always a challenge: when the Lord is speaking, are we truly listening? Today, ask yourself these questions: Am I genuinely open to hearing what the Lord has to say to me? Am I seeking confirmation for what I want to hear, or am I seeking what God wants me to hear? Am I even taking the time and space to listen?
Heavenly Father, thank You for the precious gift of the Holy Spirit, who lives within us and guides us every day. Open our hearts and minds to hear Your voice clearly and to recognize the ways You are speaking to us. Help us to seek Your wisdom and to trust in Your leading without hesitation. May we be willing to listen and obedient to follow Your direction, knowing that You desire to walk closely with us. In Jesus' name, Amen.